There are many topical creams, lotions, and cleansers that can protect and improve a patient’s skin’s appearance. A daily regimen can be customized for each person’s complexion and skin type.
Retinoids reduces fine wrinkles, irregular pigmentation, and rough skin secondary to chronic sun damage. We offer several strengths and formulations and can help you choose what is best for your skin type. In addition, products that contain hydroquinone can address and correct uneven skin tone and hyperpigmentation and related conditions for a smoother, more even-toned complexion.
In our office, there are a variety of options, including SENTÉ , AlumierMD, Green Cream®, Vanicream™, Cyspera, and EltaMD. Change is gradual and patients must be compliant with the selected regimen. Most important, patients must use daily sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.